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Stop waiting for permission to achieve something great.

We are all capable of great things but we are scared of succeeding - not failing.

Failure is part of the progress. When you leaned to walk, you fell over.

Not once, twice or 100 times, but probably 1000s.

At the moment my son is learning to walk. He falls down constantly, but he gets back up and tries again. He is nearly getting it and it’s growing with confidence daily.

So when it comes down to your health and fitness, weight loss or muscle building goals STOP WAITING FOR PERMISSION

Get off your ass and do something about it.

Whether it means contacting a trainer, gym, therapist, councillor - DO IT.

You may have to go through a few different ones until you find the right one for you, but without trying, you will never know.

It’s like when you were single (everyone has been single at some point)

You met some people who weren’t the right fit for you or just didn’t get on. You just didn’t give up after one attempt at dating, did you?

You went back out on a few more dates and then (hopefully) met someone that made you happy.

It’s the same with fat loss. You have to find something that WORKS FOR YOU.

But YOU and ONLY YOU can do the work, find the person or people to help you and get it done.

You can’t keep going through life waiting for something to happen. Because one day you will run out of time. Horrible thought, but it’s bloody true.

If you wait for the right time, you will be waiting forever.

Make that call.

Send that email.

Join that gym.

Make the change.

Don’t wait for permission.

Everything you ever want is on the other side of fear.

Don’t be scared. DO. IT


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